Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Like Sheep to the Slaughter ...

Just how much are we to accept in the name of some of the perversions of fact and reality? I recall some real back in the day stuff which includes Mad Magazine, and an article at the time written about hijacking planes to Cuba; a big societal trend at the time. It was a satire on the idea of spending endless dollars and time on attempting to disarm the travelling public ... a venture that inevitably results in a continuum of new and better mousetraps being built by those determined to thwart security. In a somewhat tongue and cheek manor, the cartoon illustrated that if in lieu of attempting to remove all weapons, each passenger was handed a gun as they boarded, and of course the line in the cartoon stated "... then let someone stand up and say I want to go to Cuba ..." which was the satirical punchline, the outcome would be a reduced likelihood of being hijacked.

Well, bizarre perhaps ... but the point is well taken. We are like powerless sheep in the current paradigm. The police can't protect us, they can't even act in anticipation of ... I recall a friend who stated to the local police one night that an angry friend was going to throw a rock through their windshield. The cop said that there was nothing they could do, but to call if indeed it happened. It happened.

I can only picture the profs and students who lost their lives depending on an incompetent security system that never came, processes that could never prevent the bloodshed, and the sinking feeling of that reality setting in as the futile attempts at least in one case by the brave students and a professor to keep the gunman out of the classroom failed with tragic results. So who do we turn to and blame in the wake of our weakness? Who is responsible for creating a neutered system with a faulty promise of protection? Who now pays the price for this incompetence, this boyish impotence of our own design through absurd notions like gun control? Sure! Why not! Take the last vehicle of personal protection and safety away from those that do the paperwork, fill out the forms, keep a clean record and obey the laws, so that the only ones with guns will be the killers and lawbreakers and of course an impotent police force that shows up in force AFTER the fact!

Gee ... its so bloody obvious ... why didn't I think of that!


Monday, April 16, 2007

A Bad Day in VA

The tragedy today in Virginia will only be surpassed by the stupidity of those that will attribute or attempt to attribute blame for what was a wreckless and stupid act. Eventually, society in my view, needs to stop making excuses for poor behavior, bad upbringing and lack of ability to reason and accept consequences for poor and anti-social behaviors. Is it really Smith & Wesson, or Ruger, or Colt ? Or is it the aforementioned and the ignorance that belies the real travesty here.

My heart goes out to the families, and my condemnation to the institutional biggots that can't see beyond their own prejudices and biases.
